Meridian59 Deutschland
| Items ⇒ Waffen und Munition ⇒ Testschwert |

You're not sure how much damage you could actually do with this thing. Use ChangeWeaponSkill to change the weapon to use another skill. SKID_PROFICIENCY_SWORD is fencing (default), change to either AXE, HAMMER, MACE, SHORT_SWORD or SCIMITAR as required. Use SetWeaponDamageType(what=$) to change the weapon's damage type to that of the desired weapon, by sending the following numbers: Hammer and mace (bludgeon): 1 Sword (covers long and short; thrust): 2 Scimitar, axe or riija sword (slash): 3 Nerudite (thrust and nerudite dmg): 4 Mystic (thrust and magic dmg): 5 Other options can be edited in the object properties.

Informationen Details
Reparieren: YES
Verzaubern: NO
Lager: YES
Stapelbar: NO
Gewicht: 80
Masse: 60
Wert: 800
Reichweite: 128
Fähigkeit: Zustoßen
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